Lucky numer 7  In the world full of probability there are many numbers to choose or to be considered as a for any individual but still, there are very few numbers that are considered to be universally lucky and the number 7 is one of them.It is no coincidence that number 7 is surely the world’s favourite number as it is almost everywhere, there are seven days in a week, the seven colours in a rainbow, seven notes of a musical scale and even the 7 seas and 7 continents.Today we will be going to tell you the truth behind the luckiness of number 7. Why it is so lucky for most of us And why from Indian cricket captain to Football star Ronaldo believe in this number. All these biggies have this lucky number in their jersey surely for a reason. Lucky numer 7  In the world full of probability there are many numbers to choose or to be considered as a for any individual but still, there are very few numbers that are considered to be universally lucky and the number 7 is one of them.It is no coincidence that number 7 is surely the world’s favourite number as it is almost everywhere, there are seven days in a week, the seven colours in a rainbow, seven notes of a musical scale and even the 7 seas and 7 continents.Today we will be going to tell you the truth behind the luckiness of number 7. Why it is so lucky for most of us And why from Indian cricket captain to Football star Ronaldo believe in this number. All these biggies have this lucky number in their jersey surely for a reason.