Hi those of you that have been following the veterans law blog for a while know that I hate VA form 21 - 41:38 this particular form in the VA inventory is so useless that I have yet to come up with a viable use for this form plus I really truly believe that it slows down your VA claim so want to speed up your VA claim heres what I say dont use VA form 21 - 41:38 my name is Chris added with the veterans law block though Im an accredited VA attorney and Ive been working with veterans battling the VA for eight years this video is not legal advice this video like all the content on the veterans law blog is meant to be educational only to teach you what I have learned these last eight years so that you can take back the power in your VA claim or appeal so pop on over to the veterans law blog thousands of blog posts on VA claims and Appeals topics close to a dozen downloadable ebooks and a couple dozen training videos on navigating the VA claims process so stop over to veterans law blog org today lets get into the meat of todays video blog topic the VA form 21 - 41:38 this forum the VA forum 21:41 30 is the most overused and useless VA for whats more is that there is a better form that you can use that will not only improve your chances of winning your VA claim or appeal but it will also speed up your claim or appeal and Ill get into that in just a minute first lets talk a little bit more about this VA form the 21 - 41:38 I hate it with a passion almost as much as I hate the Boston Red Sox sorry Boston vets Im a Yankee fan veterans tell me that they use this form all the time though I see him use any time after time after time see file after seat ball Ive reviewed that reviewed thousands of veterans claims files and I see VA form 21 - 41:38 everywhere so you might ask why does an attorney hate a form the veterans use all the time and their VA claims it appeals well its simple and heres the reason the VA form 21 - 41:38 is not only one of the least helpful forms in the en tire VA claims form library but it also has real power to create real problems in a veterans claim or appeal for disability benefits so in todays video Im going to talk to you about that form Im going to tell you some of the reasons that I no longer use VA form 21 41:38 and most important Im going to give you a much more powerful tool that you can use instead so lets dive into it what is VA for 21 - 41:38 this form is titled the statement in support of claim and at its most basic level its the VA form for a blank sheet of paper heres a copy of a VA form 21 - 41:38 coming up on your screen right now so you can remember what it looks like in all my years of representing veterans Ive reviewed hundreds if not thousands of VA claims files and in those reviews I have seen veterans use VA form 21 - 41 38 in a number of ways Ive seen you guys use it to request an update on your claim status Ive seen it you use it to submit stories and information that the veteran.