I love 7946 Kings Castle, but it is quite big, and I like alt builds. Like many people, I fantasize about having 375, the classic yellow castle. So I made this alt build of 7946, a slightly smaller version of 375, as close as I could make it with the pieces available in 7946. There is no baseplate in 7946 (which is in the photo but not the ldr file), but who doesnt have a baseplate lying around :) At  there are a variety of files - a PDF of steps, a stud.io file, and an ldr file. Also, at  there are 3D steps that you can rotate, zoom in and out, etc. I think its a shame how many MOCs are now premium - you have to pay for them. Id pay a dollar or two for some MOCs (and for some Id pay more if I love it), but when theyre $4-$5 each, before you even know if its well built and if youll like it. Im not a fan of that. Mine will always be free. If you love a MOC of mine and want to paypal me a buck or two, that would be lovely, but you certainly dont have to.